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More about Little Life Sanctuary

Updated: Jul 17, 2023


- To provide safe shelter, food, water, and a healing environment for abused, mistreated or special needs animals.

- Rehabilitate injured animals, be it injuries of the body, soul or both.

- Assist other animal rescue organisations.

- Educate and promote animal welfare.

- Promote understanding and recognition of animals as sentient beings in their own right.


To create a safe and natural healing environment

This is a Sanctuary where animals can be themselves, heal in their own time and have a chance to enjoy life.

To achieve this healing and recovery the Sanctuary is kept as calm and quiet as possible, so visitors and volunteers strictly only by appointment.


In the future we hope to improve the Sanctuary by the following building improvements listed in bold.

The shelter and site is solar powered with a backup generator for emergencies.

The current water supply is via large water tanks with a total volume of 140,000 L with a gravity feed system to the Sanctuary. Planned landscaping features will add additional 160,000L capacity mainly for fire protection.

The Black Barn contains a small living quarters for a 24/7 care taker and all services required for the Sanctuary. Including, an intensive care unit for the cats.

Main water sources within the Sanctuary grounds will be artificial water features with solar powered circulating and oxygenated water. Until these are built the water sources are small troughs connected to the water pipes.

Main food supplies will be in at the Black Barn complex with smaller stations located in the outer sanctuary enclosures.

Fire protection for the Sanctuary is provided by a high pressure and high volume irrigation system. This is located around the outer enclosure fencing. The natural water features planned within the Sanctuary fence will also act as secondary water sources.

The Sanctuary enclosure fence is an industrial chain link fence approximately 2 metres high. Access is via a service vehicle gate with double gates to act as an “air lock” system to ensure animal safety without escape.

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